Support posts must include self-text for context/information. You may consider posting such submissions to /r/okbuddybeamng (not affiliated with this subreddit) instead. Low-effort, meme, or NSFW content will be removed. No low-effort submissions and memes, or NSFW content. Comments that devolve into purely off-topic discussions may be locked. For example, showing off a cool stunt, introducing a new mod you've developed, etc.įor posts, if not obvious, you should submit the link as a self-post and include an explanation.

Submissions with a specific purpose are not considered self-promotion. This includes but is not limited to YouTube content, blogs/articles, referral links, etc. Be respectful, or you may be banned.ĭo not link or discuss pirated mods, games, or piracy websites. Toxic and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.ĭo not be rude to any other user. Keep discussions civil, mature and friendly. No offensive behavior or inappropriate content. Thingy like the one in the pictures, oof.Īlso fixed Morphs for the Fenders on the Trucks.įixed Shape Key / Hood Morph for Crappeh H is a realistic and immersive driving game, offering near-limitless possibilities and capable of doing just about anything!īeamNG in-house soft-body physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle 2000 times per second in real time, resulting in realistic and high-fidelity dynamic behavior. (Hood Morph fix next)Īlso, fixed UVs for trucks, so you can make Troncc. In my opinion, the LLV is the one that is the nicest / best working.Īlso, THIS MOD CURRENTLY ONLY WORKS IN THE OPENBETA, V4.24.Īdded Crappeh H Van. That's why I'm giving a warning that these are terrible. I wasn't even going to upload these, but then thought that people might enjoy some of these. have proper wheels)Īgain, these are purely for fun.

*Quarter Scale Variant (Use this if you want something that'll work right, i.e. A Mining Dump Truck, with different variants:

These were also some of the oldest bodies I made, so the quality isn't great either.ĭon't expect these to work properly, or look all that great, they are just for testing out weird car bodies. These bodies were made for testing out the limits of both Automation and BeamNG.Drive. First of all, a little bit of information: THIS MODPACK IS NOT GREAT QUALITY.