WeChat Online - allows you to choose which information you want to provide: authorization data, account information, correspondence and call log, multimedia files.The presented application only collects information about a person's correspondence in a messenger, but does not even allow you to track them in real time. It does not require long and complex setup, but has very limited functionality. Hacker is a fairly simple application for Android and iPhone.On the one hand, it allows collecting all the information about a person's actions (not just monitoring activity in WeChat), on the other hand, the presence of such a program on the phone clearly indicates that the user is being tracked. The main problem when using this account-hacking software is the need to install it on the victim's smartphone. MSPY is a paid program that has a free demo version.But if you use it further, you will have to pay a lot of money.
Unfortunately, during this time the program provides very limited functionality, which still allows you to understand the principles of the service.
ExactSpy - provides a 2-day trial period. Undoubtedly, the union of two loving people should be based on trust, but if there are any doubts, it is the remote access to the account that can restore harmony in the relationship and save the family. Reading the correspondence of your other half - since many people communicate mainly through WeChat, hacking their account will allow you to find out everything about the private life of a person. Naturally, trust is an integral part of any relationship, but when it comes to business, you should never rely solely on the honesty of an investor or business partner. Monitoring the activity of business partners in messenger allows you to find out on what terms a person works with other companies, what he writes about you to his colleagues and whether he plans to deceive you in the process of cooperation.
Increasing the productivity of company employees - hacking into a WeChat account will help you find out what a subordinate does during work hours and whether or not he spends it on his job duties (rather than devoting a lot of attention to messenger correspondence). Monitoring social media activity can help keep your loved one safe from the actions of online maniacs. Abusers can be interested in people of all genders and ages. Sexual Assault Prevention - More and more people from different countries are being victimized by criminals. Parental control - with the help of spyware you can easily find out about your child's activity in the social network, prevent cyberbullying, protect your son or daughter from communicating with unscrupulous people.